Finca El Provenir - Colombia,Quo | 200g
Finca El Provenir - Colombia,Quo | 200g
Finca el Porvenir
Reminds us of
Papaya, Darjeeling, Clementine
About the Coffee
We’ve worked with Sandra and her husband Hector for a decade now, and have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know them as friends and visiting their farm over the years. Both are extremely dedicated to quality and primarily grow Caturra and Tabi trees on their property. Their Geisha and this, the Papayo are limited lots which have been extremely delicate and juicy. We’re excited to share this coffee with you, which with its tea-like body, and sweet character has been a delight for us to brew.
Origin Colombia
Region Palestina, Huila
Producer Sandra Milena Mora & Hector Coy
Farm Finca el Porvenir
Variety Papayo
Roast Filter
Process Washed
Altitude 1900 MaSL